Car Repair

17 11th ave. RivoniaTel: +27 (0) 11 234 1313

Engine management

Engine management. Inside Mercedes-Benz entertainment, and navigation systems

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Auto electrical

Repair to all mercedes-benz & smart car models,computer boxes,altenators,starter motors,radios & wiring harnesses

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Service & Maintanence

Provide complete minor & major service at mercedes standards. Repair of brakes, suspension, steering, gearbox, turbo chargers & superchargers.

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Long-Term Business

Owning a Mercedes-Benz means never having to settle for anything less than the best. So you can rest assured knowing that the quality and craftsmanship we put into making your vehicle is the same as what we put into both our new and remanufactured parts...
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It´s extremely important for the long-term health of your Mercedes-Benz, and the safety of you and your passengers, that you have your Mercedes-Benz serviced according to its regular maintenance intervals. Check your maintenance manual or consult Merc Autoworld for specific maintenance requirements and recommendations.

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